Crypto Wisards AMA With Safe Launch
Guest: Liam, CMO Of Safe Launch
1. Could you please provide a quick self-introduction for the community?
Ans:Hey everyone!
I'm Liam, nickname Mando, the CMO/Marketing Manager of Safelaunch.
I've been in the crypto market for a while now but in marketing game even longer and here to spread the message of SafeLaunch!
For a little on my experience: I’ve worked on some big projects in other industries, including some crypto related companies so now I’m develing into the DeFi world with SafeLaunch
2. Can you briefly introduce the project Safe Launch what are some of utlities of $SFE Token? How do you think you stand out among the competitors if there are any?
Ans: SafeLaunch is one of the first incubator platforms that combines the best yield farming and a project incubator on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The platform integrates valuable features that will help the investment community make the best investment decisions; the liquidity will be locked for projects to increase the community’s confidence.
We have 3 different products:
1: Project incubation & launchpad
We're really doing it differently to everyone else in the space. We've changed the concept so allocations into the launchpad will be more than your normal launchpad. We're also helping projects with early funds so they can hit the ground running, we'll help them with everything from marketing, design and also with their tech. This is so they can focus on what they do best - the tech.
2: Yield farm
We want more use cases for our token ecosystem than just a launchpad. That's why we incorporated yield farming too, the high APRs at the start will help to attract many users. But being in our yield farm is the only way to get access to our 2 other products SafeAllocation and SafePad this will also give you access to a private discord channel.
3: SafeAllocation
This is our community VC at the moment. The 'Average Joe' or a 'crypto noob' will find it hard to get into projects before they launch and get allocations before a project goes 'to the moon', at SafeLaunch will do the hard work for our community and go out and find these projects that are pre-launch, get an allocation into their private and seed rounds and then offer it to our community
3. Can you share the achievements the team has made so far ? what are the major achievement target Safe Launch is yet to achieve . If possible also share your roadmap.
Ans: We've made some big achievements so far, which has been great.
Our contract has been audited by Certik team with high scores, and we have get a deep strategic cooperations with Certik and RD audit.
You can find the info from Certik here:
Our roadmap can be seen here:
We have also stressed test each component in our launchapd and we shouldn't have any issues on launch, unlike most other launchpads. So far we've had 5-6 dry runs and plan on doing more before launch - which is coming up 😉
4) Could you share a bit about security and also what benefits you provide to incentives user’s choosing your Platform?
Ans: Most importantly, SafeLaunch looks to protect investors funds. Investors are offered a well thoroughly and vetted projects that our sought out by our own researchers that reduces the chances of scams or rugpulls which are prevalent in the crypto space right now.
All projects that launch on our launchpad go through our 122 points due to diligence checks which include, KYC, contract audits (if it's an incubated project, this is paid by us), we lock the liquidity of each project in our token locking contracts and we have a team of 6 (increasing to 9 as we’re currently recruiting) researchers that do a deep dive into each project that we launch.
Also, earlier I missed what sets us apart from our competitors so I just want to add that here:
1. Safety
Most importantly, SafeLaunch looks to protect investors funds. As mentioned above, investors are offered a well thoroughly and vetted projects that our sought out by our own researchers which reduces the chances of scams or rugpulls which are prevalent in the crypto space right now.
2. Passive Income
Yield Farming will be live alongside the IDO launchpad to provide token holders passive income earning means.
3. Simplifying marketing
SafeLaunch will help incubated projects with pre & post IDO marketing plans so they actually get off of the ground by providing them with our vast array of contacts in the industry, sharing our knowledge with them and advising them with each step.
5.Whats the total supply of the token ? Could you share a detailed tokenomics of mainnet token’s supply distribution
Ans: 10,000,000 $SFE – Total Supply. More tokens cannot be minted
10,000,000 $SFE (100%) - Will be produced in the initial deployment of the contract.
5,000,000 $SFE (50%) - Will be sent to mining contracts to be mined. To incentivize early adopters initial rewards per block will be at it's highest and halve every 10 days.
2,500,000 SafeLaunch – Pre-Sale/IDO (25%)
1,000,000 SafeLaunch – Marketing Treasury (Vested See Below *)(10%)
1,200,000 SafeLaunch – Team Tokens (Vested See Below**) (12%)
100,000 SafeLaunch– Airdrop (1%)
200,000 SafeLaunch – Initial Liquidity for PancakeSwap (2%)
5,000,000 SafeLaunch – Liquidity Mining Supply (50%)
Token Vesting
Seed: 11% TGE then 8.9% every two weeks for 20 weeks - 0.35¢
Private: 15% TGE then 10.625% every two weeks for 16 weeks - 0.40¢
Public IDO: 22.5% TGE then 12.9165% every two weeks for 12 weeks - 0.50¢
Team tokens: vested over 1.5 years with a 3 month cliff
Marketing treasury: 1 month cliff and invested monthly for another year.
Twitter Segment
1. Finding in-depth information about SafeLaunch was difficult, means you decided to remain anonymous. Is this a permanent decision? Some teams start anonymous and later reveal their identities, so is there a possibility that you do the same?
Ans: This is something that we recently discussed as a team.
Originally we were going to remain anonymous but we've actually just recently went public, as you can see on our website:
2. SafeLaunch will launch or incubate projects and helping them to succeed. So do you have a strict standards or requirements for all the projects who love to be launched in your platform? Also how will you ensure that you will only be supporting the real and trustworthy projects?
Ans: Yes, we have strict standards through our 122-point due diligence checks (KYC, contract audits, etc) and our team of researchers take a deep dive into each new project before being accepted.
3. Safelaunch is that kind of projects that help others to have their first contact with the Crypto space, but I realized that you operate mainly with the Binance smart chain, but apart of this network, SafeLaunch can "Launch" projects from other chains as well?
Ans: Of course, we have a big focus on education about the DeFi world around our products so we’re always looking to involve those who are new to or looking to get into the crypto/DeFi space. Whilst we can’t quite release specific plans for this, we have some in the works to help make it easy for non-crypto style investors to get involved in our project.
5. Why did you choose Binance Smart Chain network for Create SafeLaunch?
Ans: Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is a relatively new blockchain for DeFi projects however very exciting with much lower transaction fees compared to other blockchains.
Due to BSC being such a new platform for the DeFi scene many projects find it difficult to find the necessary rails for the support they need. This can hinder the most exciting projects get the spotlight they deserve and make it difficult for projects to raise the liquidity needed.
So we choose to build on BSC.
And you can see, with the low transaction fee, high transaction speed, this will get more and more DeFiers to join BSC.
On top of this, BSC launchpads models don’t provide their users with high allocations and at most you’re probably going to get around $30 allocation which I don’t think is right.
So we decided to change the model a little and increase the barrier to entry with staking lockup pools and not just holding the tokens through whitelist period.
Live Q&A
1.Do you have any Coin Burn / BuyBack systems or any $Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract Investors to invest?
Ans: Yes.
Every time a transaction occurs that activates the protocol, a 2.2% tax is applied and redistributed into our platform.
2.2% Transactions Tax:
– 1.2% is Burned
– 0.5% to Staking participants
– 0.5% to Marketing Fund
2.Why are you choose this name for project???
Ans: We chose this name because we wanted to say what we do - we bring the safety back to launchapds 😉
3. I believe that SAFELAUNCH is really Great and has very big Potential to Thrive in the future. Can you please Tell me how I can do Investment with Safe launch ? Do you have any ICO or maybe presale now?
Ans: We have a private sale ending today and our IDO is on 5th July.
Join our group for more updates on these:
We'll also be posting on Medium:
And Twitter:
4.”STAKING" is one of the STRATEGIES to ATTRACT USERS and HOLD Them long term.
Does your GREAT PROJECT have plan about Staking?
Ans:Yes sure, so our staking/mining options are broken down as follows:
55% of the total supply of the $SFE token will be sent to our mining contracts and be distributed accordingly.
There will be 3 pools to start with:
Single Staking 7 day lockup
Single Staking 30 day lockup
SFE-BNB LP 30 day lockup
At TGE and when the mining starts our contracts will emit 1 $SFE token per block which roughly equates to 1000% APR (which is huge gains for early adopters) and this will halve every 10 days
On top of this, all new projects that come through our launchpad, we'll work with them and their tokenomics so they're also able to farms/staking on our platform to give them an instant usecase
We're also in talks with some yield optimizers at the moment to get us listed on their platforms to give us more use cases, more info will follow later down the line 😁
5.☑️☑️☑️☑️ Could you tell us more about your team and some of their background? and what is the reason you recruited him to be your team????
Ans: Imran — CEO:
Imran is CEO of SafeLaunch and has been in the crypto scene for just over 6 years now when bitcoin was less than 150$, in his time in the crypto scene he was one of the biggest OTC crypto traders in his country, lived through and survived the 2017 bull market and preceding bear market. With vast experience managing a successful OTC firm, automating trading algorithms turning to DeFi seemed like the next obvious step and in came the idea for SafeLaunch.
Naz — CTO:
Naz is our main solidity and back end developer, Naz has worked on many big projects in the past including including 8+ years experience as a senior engineer on various projects. Naz has a deep knowledge and passion for programming and started at the young age of 15, he is proficient in:
Front-end: React JS/Redux, Angular JS/2+, Vue JS, HTML/CSS/Javascript/Typescript, Ionic Framework
* Back-end: Node JS, ExpressJS, FireBase
* Mobile: React Nativ/Swift/ObjC/Java
* Database: FireStore/MongoDB/Parse/ElasticSearch/PosgreSQL/MySQL
* Unit Testing: Jest/Mocha
* Deployment: AWS, Heroku, Digital Ocean
* Task Management: Jira, Trello
* Source Control: git, github, gitlab, bitbucket
* Solidity, SWAP/STAKE, ..