Q1)Could you briefly introduce introduce yourselves as well as your project?
Ans:Hello everyone, I’m Tyra Phan from bePAY - My role is SouthestAsia Director of Growth
We are bePay - The world’s first Buy Now Pay Later solution for crypto E-Commerce
There are 3 importants point in our project for you to easy cathcup
1) The Crypto Buy Now Pay later Market size and why our Customers love our solution
That means the consumer has more choice to pay the merchant, they could use the product and services with a low budget, no interest rate.
- According to McKinsey, the market size is $106 billion and keeps growing more than 20% annually. The fastest-growing in the personal loan industry.
- Potential customers: The market we aim to serve is Gen Y, Gen Z who prefer a more easier and flexible payment, no interest rate.
- Merchants love BNPL services because it will increase their revenue by at least 25% per year, increase customer retention, increase the Average Order Value.
2) Second, we have a team of experts: have nearly 15 years of experience working in the multinational country in retail, fintech, mobile development.
3) And most important, we also have an existing network of 10,000 active stores and 300,000 users. That helps us quite good advantages to growth to a sustainable uptrend
Q2) What makes bePay Finance stand out more than the projects in the same direction at the moment?
Ans:In the world of crypto, speed is the most important advantages, and we have 2 things could drive the speed of project go much faster than others:
1) We already have an existing network of 10,000 active stores and 300,000 users in Australia, Vietnam, Philippines, etc
That brings us good advantages to growth to a sustainable uptrend
When our team has experience running the business with this scale, we earned good insights into the retail industry.
What the merchant needs, what the merchant insight, what the trend of retails and consumer behavior.
That helps us understand the demand of the market, then we could build the product that fits with that.
That insights also help us do the go-to-market strategy more efficient with a shorter time, cheaper cost
2) Team:
We have a team of developers & finance experts who have 20+ years of experience in the retail industry.
We also supported by strong partners and experienced Advisor board!
Q3)Which is the most potential info in bePAY project?
Ans:If you think like venture investor, the 3 most potential things are:
1) Huge market: As you see, the most potential token will need a huge market and large room for growth.
And the Buy now pay later market is the market like this one.
According to McKinsey, the BNPL market is valued at $106 billion in 2022 and it is the fastest-growing sector in personal loans with 20% AAGR.
And bePay is the Pioneer in this market.
2) Second is our existing product and user: a network of 10,000 stores and 300,000 users across 10 countries
3) - Experience team in Fintech, Technology, Business, and MKT (your could check detail in
Nothing could 100% percent guarantee the success of a project, but if you chose the project have early traction. You have a big chance to win
Q4)What does bePay Finance plan to do to attract more users in the upcoming time?
Ans:For the crypto project, the go to market strategy, acquire new user and keep the high retention of current users are the critical of success!
We have 5 strategies to attract more users substantially:
1) Focus to the B2B2C in crypto e-commerce, crypto marketplace to provide their merchants and users the BNPL solution. That will benefit both of us.
2) Viral shares: Use the Refer program, viral content on multi channels
3) Partner programs:
4) KOL network to share the Useful content and Tips for the long-term
Personal Finance 5) Academy platform to share how to spend and manage money smarter.
Right now, we have the referral program that reward you 50 free Token in this link:
Q5) Revealed 3 traction that makes bePay interesting
Ans:3 traction that make bePay interesting
1) Trusted by investors and Partners:
- bePay Foundation, that runs the network of user
- Beenext Ventures, ( ) that manages Assets nearly $1 billion. They already invested in more than 200 companies and some of their portfolio already are the unicorn like Tokopedia in Indonesia.
- Bitbns ( the largest Crypto exchange in India with 2.2 million users and the others
2) Strong team have recognitons:
- Top 1 Grab Ignites Ventures 2020
- First prize in Shinhan’s Future Lab - Vietnam 2019
- Top 3 Fintech Lab - Vietnam 2019
- Top 10 Vietnam Startup Wheel 2019
- One of 13 Hottest Fintechs in Vietnam in 2019 (by Fintech News Singapore)
- Top 3 VISA Everywhere Initiative - Vietnam 2018
- Finalist in K-Startup Grand Challenge – Korea 2018
- Selected by Y Combinator for Startup School 2018
- Multicultural Business Awards - New South Wales - Australia 2018
3) Already serve the largest chain in Coffee, Nail and Spa in Vietnam and Australia. You could check on the website (bePay Foundation)
Twitter Segment:
1)How will the projects reach out to communities where English is not the first language? Make it simple for customers to utilize your service all around the world. Do you intend to expand the project into an other language?
Ans:Yes, we do. Currently, our network has spread over 10+countries; therefore, we can guarantee that we are experienced enough to work and serve multicultural and multi-languages clients professionally. Also, adding to the mentioned, we already have plans to connect and reach non-English local communities, where people are more demanding and hungrier for new products and services;
Our potential clients are the Z Generation and Millenials, who will be significant buyers in the global market. All in all, with the mission of globalizing crypto, we make sure that we already have clear roadmaps in place to reach out to all corners of the crypto community.
2.Can I buy your tokens right now, and if so, which wallets do you support? Can you tell me about your team’s history? How will you and your team complete this project in the midst of the current pandemic (COV-19)?
Ans:For the team: We have a team of developers & finance experts who have 15+ years of experience in the retail industry.
1.Mr Bach Pham has been working in the financial services industry since 2006. With many roles in financial advisor, investment, financial restructuring, etc He helped thousands of SME businesses increase their financial conditions.
2.Will Truong lives in Sydney, Australia. He has been working in the IT industry since 2003. Will Truong published his first mobile app for Apple AppStore in 2009 and for the last decade, he was solely focusing on making the best mobile apps for smartphone users. Before bePOS/bePay, he was the one-man business behind PDF Max ( – one of the most popular mobile PDF apps for iOS/Android with 4 million users.
He also has experience working with cryptography & PKI solutions in 4 years from 2008-2012 while working as a Technical Project Manager for WISeKey (NASDAQ: WKEY) – leading cybersecurity and IoT company.
We also have an advisor team who are experts in Fintech, Financial… will help us avoid mistakes, expand the network rapidly. Many other infor on the website and white paper here (
3.What are the full ecosystem tools for future identities and data that #bePAY is creating? With this important data, what areas do you hope to develop and decentralize in the future? What are your plans for this?
Ans:The ecosystem consists of:
- bePAY Platform.
- POS/eCommerce Solutions that integrate bePAY for their merchants.
- Retail Merchants & eCommerce Stores who use bePAY Online Payment Gateway.
- Staking Mechanism - bePAY Protocol to allow crypto investors to stake their stablecoins with bePAY platform and earn yield.
- Crypto Wallets that integrated with bePAY to allow Customers to pay at bePAY merchants
We also organize the onchain and off-chain data to optimize for the important data, or some function of credit scoring. We are developing the product and will release the MVP in Q1.2022
4).What does the #bePAY BNBL name stand for? There are interesting stories behind every successful project, and of course you have to work hard ever day. Can you share one of these interesting stories with us?
Ans:bePAY BNPL stands for Buy Now Pay Later. This trend is being so polular these days, especially for Gen Z.
Benefits for Customers:
- Have more choice of payment: Flexible, low rate, easy to use
- Financial freedom: Get the products they want without the lengthy process of getting a Credit Card.
- Shop anywhere (domestic, global) with the same Wallet app.
Benefits for Merchants:
- Increase at least 25% annual Revenue
- Get more new customer, increase the retention of current customer
We also grow our companies from 2 people to 40 people and grow the user base from 0 to 10,000 active stores and 300,000 user in 3 years.
5. Partnership and collaboration is essential for the project development and success . Who are your major partners and what plans do you have further. Please share your roadmap if possible?
Ans:Thank you Alex and Harishma. The major Partner, I mentioned above. We are also talking with other potential partners in crypto ecommerce, NFT marketplaces, and will announce when we officially launch the collaboration.
The highligts milestones are:
12/2021 - 02/2022
- Build & refine platform prototype including
- Farming dApp: Allow yield farmers/lenders to deposit stablecoins into stable-coin pools, included but not limited to (USDC, USDT, DAI, USDP, etc..).
- After depositing, lenders will receive beTokens (based on a dynamic exchange rate) which are used to redeem and receive their original amount + interest accrued.
- Selling (Merchant) dApp: Allow merchants to publish products for sale via bePay Platform.
- Shopping dApp: Allow shoppers to buy and pay in 4.
- Staking beCoin
- Grow merchant network, API with ecommerce platform for first BNPL transaction
- bePAY Protocol (beBNPLPool, beFXO) on testnet
- Listing on the Exchanges
- Platform on testnet (farming, selling, shopping)
- Off-chain credit assessment module
- Platform on mainnet - ETH -
- Listing on global Exchanges
Live Q&A:
1) Revenue is a very important, aspect for all projects, to survive and maintain the project / company.
-What is the way to generate profit / revenue of token?,"
-What is the income model,???"
Ans:We earn revenue from 03 sources:
a) BNPL fee (from merchant) 2%-8% depend industry and type of merchant (main revenue)
b) Late fee from missed transaction payment, collect from user
c) Payment fee, collect from merchant
The revenue is distribue to the platform and reserve fund, we also have burning token schedule each quarter (20% of the platform earning)
Ans:When you invest in a project like bePay, you should consider us like a technology startup and look into 3 key things of success:
A) Market size : huge for growth
b) Team could execution
C) Traction: network, partner, develop progess
Which I already mentioned above, we believe that we have more chance than other competiors!
3) Many projects have started but may not be long lasting. Can you tell me if you plan to stay active and provide projects and opportunities to the community in the long run?
Ans:We believe in the future of Metaverse, NFT, Crypto Marketplace. It’s keep growing to 1,500 billion in 2030, we just in the beginning and have a lot of room for grow. We belive the biggest reward is in the long run for team and project and the biggest benefit for the long term investor!
4) Do you have any
1. Telegram Group
2. YouTube channel
3. Tiktok Channel
4. Website
For this project? From where we can learn something? Please share with us link.
Ans:Here is the details for our channels, I more than happy to meet you there:
1) White paper, Website, Team:
2) Join Twitter:
3) How to join bePay IDO 📝:
4) Youtube 📺]:
5) Fanpage:
6) Tele_Announcement:
7) Tele_Chat_🌎Global:
😍 😍 Tele_Chat_🇻🇳Vietnam:
9) Github :
10) Email Us 📧:
11) Giveaway 🔥: