Section 1 : Introduction
1 .Could you please provide a quick self-introduction for the community?
Ans- Yes,I’m one of the team members of Ditto.I am the head of marketing and business development of Ditto Money
2. Can you introduce the project, what are some of its utlities ? How do you think you stand out among the competitors if there are any?
Ans- Ditto is the first elastic supply token on Binance Smart Chain. Ditto can be used as an algorithmic stable coin,which means stable coin+ profit..
The competor is AMPLEFORTH if we think,But It’s on ETH blockchain, which means more fees and less profit....but ditto is on BSC, which means less fees and more profit!
3. Can you share the achievements the team has made so far ? what are the major achievement target is yet to achieve . If possible also share your roadmap.
Ans- Ditto started as just an algorithmic stable coin but now we have Xditto which is a side token of ditto,non rebasing for syrup pools and we also have NFT’s so far...
In future we want to establish Xditto syrup pools with more tokens just like Pancakeswap syrup pools... And the NFT marketplace, which is starting from tomorrow
4. Whats the total supply of the token ? Could you share a detailed tokenomics of mainnet token’s supply distribution
Ans- Zayn:
As I've said before, Ditto is an elastic supply token,which means that the supply is not fixed...the supply can increase or decrease according to market demand using rebassing
When price is above 1.05$,positive rebase happens and the total supply increases, when the price is below 0.95$,negative rebase happens and total supply decreases....
And these affects all the holder wallets too.....
5. What is the difference between Ditto and Xditto?
Ans- Yes sure......Ditto is a rebasing token,and Xditto is a non rebasing side token of Ditto...
There is no rebase in Xditto but the price of Xditto depends on Ditto’s rebase percentage...
Rebase doesn’t affect wallets balance increasing or decreasing of Xditto Where Dittos balance changes...
Section 2 : Twitter Questions
Ans-You can buy ditto at pancakeswap, openocean,via bscex...
You can buy xditto at bakeryswap or just mint xditto by locking ditto at
Ans- Yes we are definitely in the building phase,we just launched xditto which is a non rebasing token of Ditto with the price pegged to ditto’s rebase. We are now working on the ditto arena which will have xditto syrup pools just like Pancakeswap syrup pools. We have a good marketing team,who are doing excellent job and we have already partnered with the big houses of BSC like ThugsFi,Jetfuel,beefy,Autofarm,Hyperjump,Cafeswap,Pancakeswap, Bakeryswap and many more to come...
We have local communities, the marketing team is working hard for more expansion globally...
Ans - Yes,community support is the most important for success ,We have some country based local communities,many more to come...We've always attracted people using different competitions like video or meme contests...Our new programmes will come soon and It'll attract more people..We're already in the bscdaily and Binance report.Without the community success is not possible, We have a great community and we're just starting.. 💯
Here are out current communities 🥳
Philippines 🇵🇭 @ditto_ph
Indonesia 🇮🇩 @dittoindonesia
Sri Lanka 🇱🇰 @DittoSl
India 🇮🇳 @dittomoney_in
Korea 🇰🇷 @Dittomoney_kr
Portugese 🇵🇹 🇧🇷 @dittoportugese
Iran 🇮🇷 @dittomoney_Ir
Russia 🇷🇺 @dittoru
Turkey 🇹🇷 @dittomoneyturkish
Italy 🇮🇹 @dittoitalia
Ans- Look,In elastic supply tokens, the marketcap matters the most,people will have to look at marketcap more than anything.Your holding percentage always remains the same...
For example when the marketcap is 1m, if you have 10% of the total supply,when the marketcap is 10m,you still have 10% of the total supply.... But this time 10% of 10m marketcap means 10x profit...
Dittos marketcap is small currently compare to AMPL...
Just imagine the profits for long term holders.....definitely worth investing 💯
Ans- Actually the Idea of Ditto money is not new in Crypto world,but definitely new in BSC.As Ditto is the first elastic supply token on BSC.But elastic supply concept is already being used in ETH,AMPLEFORTH is the perfect example.It has a huge marketcap right now, and Ditto is still new.So,there’s lots of space for Achieving.....
So the idea is not just an idea,It’s worked and been proven right before,just not on BSC but we’ve brought it on BSC first!
Section 3 : Live QnA
1. Do token holders have the right to participate in project governance? What kinds of decisions can they make about the project?
Ans- Yes definitely,governance is for the token holders... The governance is under the works currently, you can check the governance info on our website at
We’ll used Xditto for governance, the holders will be able to vote on proposals and affect the decisions....
2. What is your opinion about making strategic partnership with great projects and in what way do you think this will help your project grow and also benefits your users?
Ans- As I’ve said before,We’ve had partnerships with most BSC big houses...Jetfuel,ThugsFi,beefy
,autofarm,cafeswap,pancakeswap..... Many more to come
We also have partnerships with Bakeryswap for Xditto and many more to come...I Don’t think bsc community will have any doubts about us after these! Users have a lot to choose from
3. I saw In your platform, you will implement a performance NFT so that users will get benefits as well as benefits in their ecosystem. did the development team make the NFT or do they have an artistic team to make it? Can you explain more about the creation of your NFts here?
Ans- The first phase was fixed limited edition NFT’S at bakeryswap using Xditto.... But from tomorrow, the goetcha marketplace is coming live,where You’ll be able to use ditto as a payment system to buy/sell or make collectables and NFT’$.....
4. One of the problems in the DEX market is price stability, sometimes using a 10% splipage is still an error. How does Ditto money solve this problem? Do you have any plans to register Ditto for the CEX market?
Ans- I think we have enough liquidity on pancakeswap to have small slippage....
And as ditto is an elastic supply token, It’s hard to list on a big CEX,but Xditto can....We have huge CEX plans for future and Xditto is a non rebasing token...
5. Team members is an Internal part of a project. So, tell us how many team members do you have and how many developers are working for this project?
Ans- Team members are Anon..we Don’t want negativity and want the team members to focus on development and improvement only......
I think We’ve done enough as a successful team and maybe more than what our targets and Hopefully will continue to do so......