1. Can you Briefly introduce the Project MoonScape?
Ans:Moonscape is a new take on the city building and resource management game with both a traditional style of gameplay and DeFi elements.
The game will be taking place on the moon after a disaster hit, and the player will build its cities, collect resources, fight with enemies, and make friends.
2. Could you please give a brief intro to the key features of Moonscape? What are the advantages offered ?
Ans:Moonscape is a NFT and DeFi game, where players will be able to build their cities, add commanders to them, and even turn their cities into NFTs
One of the biggest advantages Moonscape has over other games is the ability to come in and play without having to add a wallet and hold some of our MSCP tokens
3. Can you share the achievements the team has made so far ? what are the major achievement target Moonscape yet to achieve . If possible also share your roadmap.
Ans:Well for the achievements it will depend on how you look at it
the first and biggest achievement is to be on the Lighthouse
As the first game to be launched on the Lighthouse, the new IDO launchpad by Seascape we are very happy and excited to be on there
As a moonbeam exclusive, we will also be the first game that will launch on the moonbeam network
Lastly, the game is already well under development, ans you guys saw from our amazing trailer:
we are not far off from release, with a beta version even coming very soon for holders 😉
4) Could you share a bit about security and also what benefits you provide to incentives user’s choosing your Platform?
Ans:I m going to take this question as for the lighthouse rather than moonscape
so the lighthouse is an IDO platform that focuses on high quality gaming projects only
the team sieves through dozens of projects to give you only the best 😉. no rull pug, scams or bad projects, with a focus on gamifications with NFT and DeFi.
Some of the advantages for it is the multi chain feature that allows users from multiple platforms to come for the raises, though the first launch: Moonscape is only for Moonriver.
Security wise we have had an audit from three different audit firms, certik, Halborn, and pessimistik, which we will announce tomorrow.
But the most interesting part for incentivizations is:
Most people want to get in on the IDO projects, particularly when they know that we have onlt good projects and will do a thourough follow up of those, unlike traditional IDO launchpad that just "launch and forget"
but allotements are limited, as such Lighthouse has come up with a new novel solution
after 3 allotment rounds there will be an Auction Pool for everyone that participated but did not get an allotement
in it, everyone is GUARANTEED to get some tokens as long as they participate and spend 😉
5.Now Share us about your official token, What are the some of utlities of $MSCP Token in Your Ecosystem? And if possible share to us the Tokenomisc of $MSCP Token
Ans:for the tokenomics you could find more details in here:
The MSCP token will be an invaluable asset to be used in the game
to gain advantages over your friends and enemies, as you will be able to harvest more, speed building constructions, and use it to obtain more moondust an in game currency.
to gain advantages over your friends and enemies, as you will be able to harvest more, speed building constructions, and use it to obtain more moondust an in game currency.
MSCP will also be usable for the DeFi aspect that is added to the game
and lastly as I mentioned before NFTs are also a big part of the game where players will be able to profit.
Most of the MSCP will be raised through the IDO though, so make sure to get your tiers now for the Moonscape IDO, and all the future ones 😉
Twitter Segment:
1.I see that players can play Moonscape without having any cryptocurrency or NFT. Does this mean that the game is designed to allow traditional gamers to partake in the action without any commitment to blockchain technology?
Ans:Correct, the game is made so that traditional players can join in without having to pay or do anything at all
and they could even still profit from the game as they could mint their assets such as the city and sell them on on the secondary market
now obviously, playing with the tokens and the DeFi elements is by far the most profitable so people would slowly be incentivized to not only play the game but also hodl some of the tokens and use them in the pools 😉.
like this we will be appealing to both type of audiences and have more traditional players join us in the cryptosphere 😉.
2.NFT gaming particularly those featuring a Play-to-Earn mechanism is clearly the new trend these days. @MoonscapeGame appears to have this as a strong suit. Can you explain @MoonscapeGame Play-to-Earn mechanism in more details?
Ans:Sure, so as previously mentioned there will be both DeFi and NFT elements as play to earn
so first as people play the game they will develop their rovers, and cities
those could be minted as NFT and resold on the secondary market
additionaly each building you put provides advantages both in-game but also for DeFi
the DeFi aspect will give you staking pool options to allow you to earn
and as you increase your building levels and and add the best commanders you would be able to earn more
We will also have daily missions that would allow you to earn moondust
moondust pools, where players having done and spent more will be getting
and a multiplayer aspect where you could profit from your friend’s DeFi capabilities.
3.Will the player be able to exchange the MoonDust earned in-game to $MSCP coin? Does MoonDust have a role in the ecosystem outside of the game? What are they?
Ans:there is a conjecture between moondust and MSCP yes
players will also be able to earn moondust in the game though, in the moondust pools or as they play along
and Moondust is a very important resource that will give you many advantages when playing such as faster harvesting, building, and attack and defense bonuses.
now Moondust is an in-game ressource, so it will only have a role inside it, but MSCP on the opposite is a coin that will not only be usable inside the game but also outside.
4)#Moonscape is described as an "online strategy city-builder" which allows "users to collect resources using DeFi mechanics", fight each other or cooperate to achieve unending profits". how many types of resources are available in game & how are they distributed across the map?
Ans:There are 5 different type of resources on the game.
4 will be available on the map, so you could go around the map with your rover, harvest the ressources, and improve your building
So the ressource nodes will be available only for you right now
but you could also attack other players to steal their ressources
but you could also attack other players to steal their ressources
and if you destroy their cities you could even get a boost 😉
For the rest I already answered most of it previously so i ll stop there
5. Being the first project to launch through the LightHouse,I'm sure you are aware that many upcoming project will be looking up to you, hope they would not be disappointed?
Ans:Haha yes, there is a lot of pressure as Lighthouse is very exciting Launchpad to be one, with a lot of expectations and a lot of projects coming on the platform very soon
But we are very confident that we will not disapoint, the team behind Moonscape are veterans from the traditional game sectors, with the best support from lighthouse and Seascape for everything blockchain, and the game promises to be a major hit which will please both crypto and traditional audiences. 😉
Also the lighthouse is set to have many other such projects in the future, so be sure to go on there today
also there will be another AMA from the team as a podcast hosted next week so be sure to go and check it out if you have any other question
and they will also have a giveaway for it
here s the link if you want:
Live Q&A:
1) Will Players who play the MoonscapeGame receive $MSCP as in-game incentives and will be able to claim Moondust with it?
Ans. They will receive it as part of the DeFi mechanism, but could get some in the secondary market if they were to sell their NFTs 😉.
And yes they would be able to get moondust with $MSCP
2) 🐳About Moonscape Rovers. what is the purpose of it? Why should we create one? Are there several types of Rovers? What is the difference between each one?
Ans.There are many types of rovers with different stats limits, it s not so much a clear upgrade as it has roles such as fighting or resource harvesting. You will be able to upgrade your rovers and have them become more powerful and specialized
3) There are so much gaming blockchain with NFT appear for now, what are the strength from Moonscape project ? can you tell me the best feature that Moonscape have and unique?
Ans:Well first of all we will be the first Moonbeam game and the only one to date 😉. Secondarily, the game is built by a team of veterans from both crypto and traditional gaming so the games will be further optimized and improved. One of the most exciting features is the ability to still profit without having to buy anything, but still be highly incentivized to participate withthe DeFi elements. Also contrary to mos current games, ours is actually an stand alone enjoyable game, rather than a simple card game like many others.
4) 🚨Considering that you’re a game built using the Moonbeam’s technology that means that are you only able to connect to polkadot ecosystem? Apart of it can you support more chains?
Ans:The game is actually a moonbeam exclusive made in direct partnership with the Moonbeam Team, so it will not appear on other chain, it s not an issue of technology but of exclusivity. But the lighthouse will have many more exciting projects in the future, such as BLOCKLORDS 3D! and have already prepared the next few IDOs.
5) ⚛ Considering that Moonscape is a play to earn there is possible on Moondust play all day if I want to? Or there exist a limit of "plays" per day?
Ans. You would be able to play for a very long time 😉. But some of the game elements are time based such as buildings, so you are highly encourqged to play regularly, and not just pop in once a day, but there are still some limitations so playing all day will not make you become number 1 by itself. We did that to achieve a good balance between activity for players and engagement, and rewards.