1. Could you Guys please provide a quick self-introduction for the community?
Ans- Hi there everyone. I am currently responsible for Skyrim Finance’s marketing and community growth.
Just a short intro about my background. I have been in this space since early 2018. I think I have been witnessing the boom of cryptocurrency.
After some time working for people in several decentralized projects and CEX as well. I decided to launch my own career in this space.
I like to think of myself as a guy who worked on almost all positions in crypto.
2.Can you briefly introduce the project Skyrim Finance what are some of utlities of $SKYRIM and $TRANCHE ? How do you think you stand out among the competitors if there are any?
Ans- So we position Skyrim Finance as the First Multichain Decentralized Structured Finance Marketplace. If you take a look at our website, it says Skyrim Finance aims to build the Robo-Advisor of DeFi ecosystem.
The objective of Skyrim Finance is to help investors of different profiles have risk-adjusted return through fixed-rate and leveraged-yield DeFi products.
I think this is a very interesting narrative.
We are structured with a dual token model.
SKYRIM being the utility token and TRANCHE as the governance token.
There are a total of 100 million $SKYRIM tokens.
$TRANCHE is the governance token of the protocol. Token holders can create and vote for proposals. The project will be governed by communities completely using Quadratic Voting.
3. Can you share the achievements the team has made so far ? what are the major achievement target Skyrim Finance is yet to achieve . If possible also share your roadmap.
Ans- This is our current roadmap:
2021-Q2 Fixed-rate Yield Vaults Launch
2021-Q2 Liquidity Mining Program Launch
2021-Q3 Deploy the Smart Contract on Substrate
2021-Q3 Release Roadmap V2.0
2021-Q4 Launch Future Innovative Products
dTRANCHE is the first product of Skyrim Finance.
It uses dTRANCHE as it is very straightforward. However, the narrative can be bigger as a structured finance marketplace, so it changed the brand as Skyrim Finance
4) Could you share a bit about security and also what benefits you provide to incentives user’s choosing your platform?
Ans- As for the safety measures, we will do it in a very scrupulous way. So before we launch anything we always conduct code audits with our partners.
A) Skyrim Finance is the automated entity that can help us leverage the best yield mixture for BSC, Polkadot, and Ethereum-based assets.
B) $SKYRIM is the utility token in the protocol. It plays the role of protocol fees and system incentives. It is also used as future innovative products grants and solution rewards. So you are incentivized to use $SKYRIM
We are going to announce investors and bounty programs soon where you have opportunities to secure a private allocation on SKYRM
Please follow us to stay updated.
5.Whats the total supply of the token ? Could you share a detailed tokenomics of mainnet token’s supply distribution
Ans- SKYRIM being the utility token and TRANCHE as the governance token.
There are a total of 100 million $SKYRIM tokens
I would direct all of you to our Token Economy page
Twitter Segment
First and foremost, we do not ask people to blindly trust us. I suggest everyone do due diligence and do research on our project to see if we are reliable.
What we can do is to focus on attracting builders towards our product and ecosystem, to build Skyrim-specific products/services for DeFi use cases, powered by the DeFi tools available right now to seep up the development.
We dont think there is a secret to success. Ultimately, we need to build something that brings value to DeFi users.
Ans- This guy is smart. Of course they are the more popular platforms and that is why Skyrim Finance will be built on them first. But in order to grow and tap into other communities we need to extend our reach.
Building it on ETH and BSC is relatively easy for us since we already had multiple smart-contract engineers working on it now.
By the way, we are hiring more talents. If you know someone who is exceptional at building crypto products, or good at driving exposure, please forward him or her to
Ans- There will be TGE but not right now.
And please be noted there is no official public sale or listing for Skyrim Finance. Please be aware of scam or fraud.
Right now the easiest way to secure $SKYRIM private allocation is to join in our reward program
Ans- Great question.
In Quadratic Voting, each participant is given a number of credits that can be used to vote for an issue.
Here is the Quadratic Voting formula: Cost to the voter = (Number of votes)^2
Though Quadratic Voting is also complex, it arguably better protects the interests of small groups of voters that care deeply about particular issues.
Now that blockchain-enabled collective decision making allows votes to be tracked in a transparent, public way, more complicated voting systems can be adopted. So Quadratic Voting might be a better option.
Ans- $SKYRIM is the utility token in the protocol. It plays the role of protocol fees and system incentives. It is also used as future innovative products grants and solution rewards.
And there is a hard cap on how many $SKYRIM can be minted.
Inflation is not a issue to us because of it and we will build more application scenarios to it to empower its value.
Live Q&A
1. Security
2. Products
3. Partnerships
4. Token price
From the 4 aspects which one is your main priority and why?
Ans- If we have to choose from these four only. I would say security. We are building a product that is usable and aims to generate real profits to DeFi users. So, by default, it has to be secure.
But rest assured, we will do it in a very scrupulous way. So before we launch anything we always conduct code audits with our partners.
2.DeFi is the new frontier and already buzzing in 2021, what roles do you play in innovativeness of DeFi and what’s your approach to DeFi and ultimate DeFi solutions?
Ans- I agree.
We see great potential. So we position Skyrim Finance as the First Multichain Decentralized Structured Finance Marketplace. If you take a look at our website, it says Skyrim Finance aims to build the Robo-Advisor of DeFi ecosystem.
The objective of Skyrim Finance is to help investors of different profiles have risk-adjusted return through fixed-rate and leveraged-yield DeFi products.
I think this is a very interesting narrative.
According to our market research, Robo-advisors currently manage around $460 billion, and this industry is expected to grow to $1.2 trillion by 2024. So if we can take up only 1% of the market, we are probably the most successful project ever.
3.Can you explain further about Skyrim Finance’s goal to build a Robo-Advisor of DeFi ecosystem?
Ans- Humans aren’t emotionless beings even if we try, and it certainly can be a problem when it comes to managing our portfolio. Read an article on Trading Psychology, and it always says the same thing that being hot-headed (fear, greed, lack of discipline, etc) is very costly.
So we might appreciate an automated entity to help us leverage the best yield mixture for BSC, Polkadot, and Ethereum-based assets. That’s where Skyrim will be the solution!
4. Can you explain the Tokenomics of your project?
Ans- I would direct all of you to our Token Economy page.
5. Hello sir
Skyrim Finance uses NFTs, so, could you explain us what elements make these NFTs have a real value, how they will be able to compete in this market that is now so competitive, what will make these NFTs different from the rest and really profitable? Please explain to us..
Ans- Yes. NFT is another booming market we intent to take advantage of.
Interoperability through NFTs means Skyrim Finance represents deposits and bonds using ERC-721 standard NFT (non-fungible tokens). This means that users can transfer them assets between accounts, and also wrap tokens to add to the feature set.