1. Could you please provide a quick self-introduction for the community?
Ans: My name is Michał Dziopak and I am a community supervisor/AMA manager in $Subme and also unofficially one of the team members in charge of relations between Subme and Southeast-Asian markets. I have years of experience in customer service, sales, negotiations, management, apart from being a member of Subme I keep running my own company. You could call me a handyman :)
2. Can you briefly introduce the project SUBME what are some of utlities of $SUB ? How do you think you stand out among the competitors if there are any?
Ans: Ok, so here comes the introduction of Subme: Subme is a subscription app that aims to change the way we are buying physical goods and services. With our app you will be able to subscribe to the way of getting your favorite drinks or superfoods on a monthly/weekly/daily basis (you are the boss, you choose the time interval). Though we are not limited only to drinks or food. Literally you can subscribe to any kind of physical goods that are available for you to order online.
But thats not all yet. There is more about our app.
While ordering more than one product, you will create a subscription basket of products, that will be delivered at once to your home. With Subme you will be able to subscribe not only to physical goods but also to many kinds of services e.g. let’s take for instance a streaming industry - places where you can watch movies, episodes of your favorite series, e.g. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Spotify or HBO GO and all of them you could just manage in one place!
You can also use our app to pay for your holidays in a few installments or all in advance. You can get our app to help you in donating to charity organisations on a monthly basis. Due to cooperation with Bitcan (one of the biggest fiat to crypto ramp in Central Europe) we will provide to our users subscriptions with crypto and without KYC.
In other words, the uses of our app will be unlimited. You will be able to use it to subscribe to anything you want to in one place instead of getting all those things on multiple websites.
With our app you will save your own time, efforts and ultimately money.
And about the competitors - we have none so far. Our project at its scope and features, you can say its' quite unique and I haven’t heard of any project so far that would be closely similar to ours.
You may check out our website even now to learn more about it:
3. Can you share the achievements the team has made so far ? what are the major achievement target SUBME is yet to achieve . If possible also share your roadmap.
Ans: Right now we are at the end of the Token Sales Path. Our project was established at the beginning of this year (2021). So far we’ve been able to collect from sales within short time (few weeks) over 1.500.000 $ dollars on our own and also establish a steadily growing and active community. After the last, Public Sale 2, we will enter DEX listings (on 1st July). In third quarter we will release our app and platform which will become available in several markets. Over the time we will reach out to more markets and so we will widen our presence in subscription world. Ultimately we will cover the whole world with our services. We will also enter CEX listings in third quarter.
What we haven’t achieved yet is the release of our app, which - like mentioned above - will follow as planned shortly in 3rd quarter of this year.
And again, if you want to learn more we kindly invite you to check out our website.
4) Could you share a bit about security and also what benefits you provide to incentives user’s choosing your Platform?
Ans: First of all, our platform is well secured. The best proof of it is that our smart contracts were audited. Our main smart contract was examined/audited by leading certifying companies that also keep auditing companies such as Google, Microsoft or IBM.
Now, about benefits users get while choosing our platform and $SUB tokens.
Apart from being able to save your own time, efforts and money you will get the opportunity to use our tokens called $SUB (Subme Cash).
Subme Cash is a BEP-20 token fueling the economy of the project. It will be awarded in a form of cashback (up to 2%) to the users. 5% of the project fees (Subme revenue) is going to be used to buy $SUB tokens from the market just to get them burned.
5.Whats the total supply of the token ? Could you share a detailed tokenomics of mainnet token’s supply distribution
Ans: Ok, so about the total supply and tokenomics
The total supply of our tokens is 880.000.000.
The tokens have been distributed so far among seed, private and public sales. We believe that vesting is healthy for the long term development of the product, and we really believe in Subme in long term aspects. That’s why the team tokens are going to be unlocked after one year with monthly 10% of vesting. 20% of private & public sale tokens are going to be unlocked at TGE with 5% per week.
In the long term we are planning to buy back and burn 44 % of the supplied tokens with the 5% revenues generated by Subme commissions.
Twitter Q&A
1.Do you want to add an adult section, and are you not limited to industries over 18 years of age?
From: @imwiiw27
Ans: That’s a very good question. Sensitive and not easily tackled by others. Well, for sure there’s gonna be some space for adult industry branches, however their availability will be determined by local laws and cultural code. We are not afraid of expanding our subscription industry to those sections, but all within legal frames and cultural acceptance.
2.For project development, the main priority is to have sufficient funds. Is your team financially able to carry out this project? Do you have sufficient funds for development? Can you tell us how your project is turning a profit?
From: @ab_dul_basith
Ans: We do have sufficient funds.
First of all, we were able to accumulate 1.500.000 $ during the recent token sales. There is the final sale ahead of us. After it we will enter DEX listings and then, within nearest 1-2 months we will release app and platform which will start generating revenues for our project and its users and owners of $Sub tokens, so the whole project is financially secured.
And then, I forgot to add up - will come CEX listing as well in the third quarter of this year.
3.I want to ask questions but i still dont get what is the project doing. can you give a real life use case of this project?
From: @Sabah69902382
Ans: Subme is a subscription app that aims to change the way we are buying physical goods and services.
In other words, imagine that our app helps you to get your daily needed things or accessories directly to you from all those websites you would usually buy them with a difference you don’t have to click many times and switch between those websites - our app will do for you all of those steps and you won’t have to remember about it, and in the end your needed goods will get delivered to you, due to our app.
you are a coffee lover, but you are too tired of ordering your favorite coffee from different places all the time, whether you go shopping or you keep ordering it online from different websites. So why not to let our app handle it for you? You will only choose the kind of coffee, delivery address, how often do you want it to be delivered to you and approximate price for the product and our app will remember your choices and keep delivering the coffee to your home on chosen time interval (e.g. monthly, weekly, etc.) as long as you desire it to be delivered. Once you don’t want to get your coffee anymore you will simply cancel the subscription in one simple step.
4.Subme can help us put together all of our subscriptions, can the platform partner with centralized non crypto related like most streaming platforms?
From: @Rosanela08
Ans: it’s one of our flag targets. We will partner with many platforms, actually ultimately with all that exist out there.
Imagine all those streaming places where you can watch your favourite movies or tv series (Netflix, Amazon Prime) and you can manage them and their subscriptions easily in just one place! You won’t have anymore to waste your time on going from one website to another just to manage their subscriptions.
1-Increasing Token price
2- make Token Valuable
3-Building Community Trust
From 3 aspects above,. I want to ask,. Which one the most important for you?? If all above are important for you,. Which one that Will you do first??
From: @PoriGulapi
Ans: Ok, so first comes building community trust, second, making token more valuable, the last but not the least will be the token price.
Actually second and last points are equally important since they are related to each other. But coming back to community - we stress ourselves on community, because without you guys there wouldn’t be our project out there. Thank you for believing in us and supporting us for all the time.
And speaking of community - don’t forget to join our group even right now!
Here’s the link to our Telegram Group:
Live Q&A
1.What are the promotional strategies adopted by the team to make the project more popular?what makes this project unique from its competitors?
Ans: Well, the whole approach on the subscritpion industry, tokenomics, emphasis on community, that we keep relying on real good and services. We emphasize cooperation with community and presence on social medias.
2.Most of the projects now a days do burning !!
Are you doing token burning?? tell us something about your token burning ?
Ans: We do, actually like mentioned earlier in the long term we are planning to buy back and burn 44 % of the supplied tokens with the 5% revenues generated by Subme commissions.
3.So many projects just like to speak about the "long term vision and mission" but what are your short terms objectives? What are you focusing right now
Ans: App development and its release, as well as the presence on several international markets.
4.What are the benefits of holding your token as long term investment? Can you tell us about the motivation and benefits for investors to keep the your token in the long run?
Ans:Sure, our token is based on deflactory mechanism, which means that over the time its value will increase and as its a token and not a digital currency - its not related to the flows of the king - bitcoin or any other digital currrencies. Their value may keep dropping, but the value of our tokens will keep increasing steadily over the time.
5. Who will be the best target for your team?
Ans: When it comes to users so... everyone. We want to revolutionize the lives of all people, especially those who lack time for their everyday shopping’s or subscriptions management.